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On the day of the appointment

In order to ensure an efficient consultation with the veterinarian, the following precautions should be taken.



Where’s my cat?

It is a good idea to keep your cat inside the house in a small room (ideally a bathroom) 15 minutes before the appointment to make sure you can find it when necessary.


The space used for the visit…

If you have a cat or small to average size dog, it would be appropriated to be able to work in a small room, to make sure the animal won’t be able to escape. Also, we would need to have access to a clear table with good lighting. 

If you have a big dog, it will be difficult to lift him/her onto the table so please plan a sufficient space on the floor cleared of all unnecessary objects. Once again, it is preferable to work in a closed room with adequate lighting.



To ensure an efficient consultation, we are asking your collaboration by planning a calm space, free of unnecessary noises. Please make sure you turn off the television, radio and even your telephone before the appointment.



It is preferable to have all historical documents pertaining to your animal’s health, e.g.  vaccine certificates. If your pet takes any kind of medication, we ask that you have the medical file available to support efficient care.

veterinaire mobile rive sud
veterinaire mobile rive sud


Dre Sophie Roy M.V.

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